My profile

36 years of marketing experience in 24 industry at the age of 62 years I realized I made a big mistake not to get into multilevel marketing or referal income or affiliate marketing if I quit my job 30 years back may be I travel in my jet now I can't even by ticket to travel this is a story of India professional because what we get is what we meet our bills rest is zero so I thought let me power my self like a jet and start to push from the ground and fly high and be a trainer for young people frist be a affiliate Marketer with out risk and show your skills and prove your self yes I can then think of startup.affiliate marketing very easy way to earn money even spare time so I wanted all youngsters who wanted money to enter affiliate marketing this is a place where new enterperneurs get more knowledge free and this portal cj is well esteemed organization join with cj and study more on affiliate marketing execute it and earn money and use money to learn by the products cj have and become the master what I repent today you should not face tomorrow.i can talk practically 24 different industry so I am not a specialist any industry but I am generalist this is big fault we should understand career should be planed and never change grow in the same industry no where is green where we stand that place is green our mistake always think other side is green this happend me.we can see how the doctors grow thier practise very consistent but create trust and make money in future so when you are with cj let ever jump from one platform to other how best you can work with cj platform make you master and your strong relationship build everybody looking for trusted people all your activity turn into cj the belief will increase you make money.when we make our name dominate in the net money will follow you now we all know who is grantcardone because of internet domination.He as risk but affiliate Marketer what risk we affiliate marketing is the best money making opportunity.join a programme study well about it then do deep research and find the target customer how to reach find the way and reach so they solve thier pain you get paid.we should understand marketing is creating emotion and aspiration but never think that because of our talk customer buys that is very wrong customer buys because he see a value in it so always we should join a programme where we see a value in in it Google affiliate for work space is great you only see the customer probelm solve it with Google he never ask any question because Google dominate the internet so it is easy for us to make money so we have to work with such advertisers.i am emotion my time waisted your time should not waiste I am not bothered where are you from my experience I should share as zen master philosophy don't store in your head let it go out for others benefit that is my idealogy we have only one blood we have one home mother earth so we have to safe guard our mother earth so any affiliate product which help us to save carbon sin will be good to is every where but don't go and pick it let it be what you focus affiliate marketing devote your time only for cj and the name is commission junction so name it self clear what as a affiliate look for and what company pays you is comission.we have to be very carefull in choosing once you take it up devote your time and energy for the success of it.god gifted opportunity is affiliate marketing and I know Tons of video you can see on affiliate marketing but stick with cj now you can understand you are in right platform because Google workspace affiliate programme is done through cj more than that what credibility required this great prestige for all of us to take forward of cj so when introduce our platform we can proudly say Google affiliate programme we are managing so we will not tell any other products with out proper validation so we are credible


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