MY LIFE RAGS TO RAGS PAGE 1 Lesson Be focused Be specialist dont we generalist -rolling stone gather no mass

My life is very experienced so i wanted to share also i want advise where i lacked should not be lacked by you.I was born in agriculture family my studies in village schools later we shifted to city then i start studying in private during this time after my predegree classes i used to go to a news paper office to collect news and advertisement and i got paid rs5 1975 then i took agency of some publications which i asked my younger brother to distribute he helped me with this small amount we have to live even father didnt got good job so he is paid poorly mother house wife.The studies distrubed my interst turn into sales i was going behind sales people and stand with them in shop and learn how they talk so i become passionate so one day one representative given me the stock of whitener for cloth today you call ujala but this was other brand i started selling and make profit mean while my father got som job in faraway place he went there so he was working for food industry so i had the opportunity to help him selling his food products like pickels,jams suvarna food products nirveli koothuparamb. i started to distribute jeevan and edival and jeevanalam this time my father got an opportunity in our home town to be the distribution mamager of film company it attracted me going to theatre and getting date booked so i become passionate on film distribution so i joined hands with jeevnalam and started film distribution company in trichur jeevan films i stayed there in small house where they have the printing unit and after some time i got as manager of a distribution company in my home town i was distributed pasi and many films then i joined hands with dinavartha daily owner and took theatre onlease i was managing the theatre left my distribution job after one year i fed up because i should get movies to play and i should get crowd so change movies friday weekend movies and gap by tuesday so monday night collection seeing we decided to change movie so after second show the collection down we change the movie so i have to rush the night to palakkad and collect movie box and put the posters and tuesday i have show a different i understood movie is producing in madras i i become intersted to reach chennai so told my paper publishers i am leaving to chennai but i can collect cinema news they agreed i reached chennai.CONTINUE


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